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Tea For Digestion & Inflammation

Not for nothing is the digestive tract known as the second brain. If you want to feel a holistic sense of wellbeing, taking care of your gut is key – and a great place to start is our range of luxury teas that fight inflammation and help support digestive health. 

Discover our soothing speciality teas and herbal blends, and nurture yourself from the inside out.




Improve Your Gut Health


Poor digestive health has been clinically proven as a trigger for inflammatory conditions that run from inflammatory bowel disease to rheumatoid arthritis. 

Certain green teas – such as our single-origin Organic Dragon Well loose leaf tea – contain high quantities of compounds called catechins that are particularly associated with reducing inflammation and helping to improve the gut biome. 

 Elsewhere in our collection of teas to boost digestion and aid gut health you’ll find herbal blends like Chai of Madagascar, made with polyphenol-rich honeybush leaves, another ingredient known for helping to prevent inflammation. 

Also see Turmeric Spice, which contains curcumin – an antioxidant known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.


Cool It With Peppermint Tea

A perennial favourite for easing digestive issues, mint tea has been renowned for soothing digestive issues since ancient days, used by the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans alike. 

In more modern times, studies have shown peppermint tea to be of particular help in treating stomach upsets and irritable bowel syndrome,  

 Our premium-quality Peppermint Tea Leaves are a perfect way to kickstart your journey into the world of anti-inflammatory teas. 

As well as being equal parts refreshing and soothing – not to mention a great post-meal non-alcoholic digestif – peppermint tea may calm the gut by helping to release the muscles in the digestive tract.